Thursday 24 May 2012

Holderness Coastal Erosion

A popular case study of the causes and problems of coastal erosion experienced in some parts of the UK. This became national news in 1997 when Sue Earle had to vacate her farm at Great Cowden just to the south of Mappleton and pay £3000 demolition costs. She is suing as she claims the construction of the rock groyne to protect the coastal road passing through Mappleton, starved the beach below her farm of the sediment it needed so accelerating the rate of erosion. This video from the BBC looks at another farm in danger of disappearing, so joining the increasing list of settlements lost to the sea since  Roman times.

Friday 11 May 2012

Beware of unsolicited rubbish!
Today we received a DVD in the post from an organisation called Truth in Science. The notes on the box claimed to show a new view of the formation of the Earth. Naturally, a quick trawl of the internet confirmed our suspicions that this nonsense comes from a creationist front using films made across the Atlantic . What is so disturbing is that nowhere on the box or the accompanying literature is this made clear - obviously a rather futile attempt to hide their true identity. Goebbels would have been proud. Avoid at all cost!

Monday 7 May 2012

A2 6GEO3 Synoptic Pre-release is now out. As expected the subject is based on the Water Conflicts unit with the Himalayas as water source for trans-boundary water supplies. Highly topical given the state of the world's water supplies.
Edexcel Advance Information